
Fantasy fiction is a genre of fiction that involves elements that cannot exist within the real world. This fictional universe includes things like magic, mythology, or life from other worlds or universes. Fantasy fiction incorporates lots of elements from folklore into the genre, such as tales of monsters, fairies, and magical powers.

The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone
by Jaclyn Moriarty

When ten-year-old Bronte hears her parents have been killed by pirates, she isn't too concerned – she never knew them. But it seems they want to control her future: they have left a will full of bizarre, detailed instructions which she must follow, or her home town will be destroyed by magic.

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By Katherine Applegate

Eleven-year-old Willodeen adores creatures of all kinds, but her favorites are the most unlovable beasts in the land: strange beasts known as “screechers.” The villagers of Perchance call them pests, even monsters, but Willodeen believes the animals serve a vital role in the complicated web of nature.

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The Whispering Fog
By Landra Jennings

In this spooky and atmospheric contemporary fantasy, Snow White and Rose Red meets the modern world after sisters Neve and Rose's lives are upended when a swamp witch kidnaps Rose. Perfect for fans of Jodi Lynn Anderson and Katherine Arden.

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The Mostly Invisible Boy (Casey Grimes)
by AJ Vanderhorst

Eleven-year-old Casey Grimes is stubbornly friendly, but he's eternally the new kid at Vintage Woods Middle School. Students look right through him--and they're not faking. Casey doesn't know why he's mostly invisible, but when he scales a colossal oak, he discovers a fortress in its branches.

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The Midnight Library
By Matt Haig

The Midnight Library tells the story of Nora, a depressed woman in her 30s, who, on the day she decides to die, finds herself in a library full of lives she could have lived, where she discovers there's a lot more to life, even her current one, than she had ever imagined.

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The House at the Edge of Magic
by Amy Sparkes

Nine is an orphan pickpocket determined to escape her life in the Nest of a Thousand Treasures. When she steals a house-shaped ornament from a mysterious woman's purse, she knocks on its tiny door and watches it grow into a huge, higgledy-piggeldy house.

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Circus Mirandus
by Cassie Beasley

The Circus is real. And the Lightbender owes Ephraim a miracle. With his friend Jenny Mendoza in tow, Micah sets out to find the Circus and the man he believes will save his grandfather. The only problem is, the Lightbender doesn't want to keep his promise.

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